Mr. Clement Okech has 32 years of experience in the field of probation, where his main area of focus has been non-custodial measures in Kenya. His background is rooted in social work with advanced international training in youth justice, probation and applied criminology. He has been involved in programmatic work specific to enhancing community corrections at the pretrial, sentencing and post-sentencing stages of the criminal justice process, with principal focus on probation, community service and reintegration services. Given his expertise and experience, he was instrumental to the development and implementation of new non-custodial practices in the Kenyan Justice System, including the development of a policy instrument that introduced probation bail work.
Mr. Okech has also been involved in the development of various training and operational tools on alternatives to imprisonment, including tools that promote appropriate gendered criminal justice responses. In Africa, he has been involved in the revitalization and strengthening of community correctional systems in Tanzania, South Sudan and Nigeria through capacity building sponsored by international development partners. Mr. Okech has participated in and presented at many international conferences on community corrections. He has also initiated, coordinated and supervised many research projects on community corrections in Kenya. He is the former chairperson of the Kenya National Association of Probation Officers and served in various technical committees within the National Council on the Administration of Justice in Kenya.