Welcome to the Global Community Corrections Initiative

According to the latest World Prison Population List (2024), it is estimated that there are currently over 10.99 million individuals incarcerated in prisons around the world today, and if the reports on the number of offenders in pre-trial or administrative detention in China and North Korea are accurate, the world prison population total is estimated to be closer to 11.5 million. Although we do not yet have complete data on the size of the global community corrections population, researchers from our Global Community Corrections Initiative have offered preliminary estimates on the size of the global community corrections population, which they estimate to be about 12.5 million. When combined, the total global corrections population is currently 24 million, with 52% of that total representing individuals under community correctional control. However, these estimates are preliminary, and it is currently not possible to provide an accurate assessment of the size of the community corrections system globally, let alone details on individuals under various forms of community release, the types of programs offered, and the staffing resources of these programs. We need to know much more about how alternatives to incarceration have been utilized globally.

This knowledge gap begs numerous questions: How many offenders are placed in community corrections systems around the globe? What are the key design features of these community corrections systems? And what do we know about the effectiveness of community corrections? The Global Community Corrections Initiative will provide answers to these questions, while also creating a unique "one-stop shopping" resource center that provides access to a full range of community corrections program design, implementation, and evaluation materials.

News and Updates

New Members of our Global Community Corrections Initiative

We are happy to announce that  the following new members have joined our global initiative. You can read  country-specific chapters describing community corrections in their country in  The Routledge Handbook on Global Community Corrections.

You will find their profiles on our Consortium members’ link: 

  1. Phillipa Evans– Australia
  2. Esther Montero Peréz de Tudele-Spain
  3. Shivangi Shikhar-India
  4. Francois Louw-South Africa
  5. Nicholas Powell-USA
  6. Jeff Mellow-USA
  7. Ronet Peled-Laskov-Israel
  8. Satoshi Minoura-Japan
  9. Guy Bourgon-Canada
  10. Oancea Gabriel– Romania
  11. Deborah Koetzle-USA
  12. Shoji Imafuku-Japan

Updates on Phase 2 of the JCOIN Initiative

JCOIN research aims to expand addiction treatment, recovery, and overdose prevention services in a wide range of criminal justice settings, including jails, probation and parole, drug and other problem-solving courts, and juvenile justice systems. Read more on JCOIN Phase 2 here.

REHUB: A New App highlighting the latest global developments in rehabilitation is now available

Developed by GCCI’s Ioan Durnescu and colleagues. Rehub brings the latest in rehabilitation science directly to you through a diverse array of digital formats. Engage with the content and community that make learning both insightful and interactive. Read about it here and watch the REHUB videos.