New Members of our Global Community Corrections Initiative

We are happy to announce that  the following new members have joined our global initiative. You can read  country-specific chapters describing community corrections in their country in  The Routledge Handbook on Global Community Corrections.

You will find their profiles on our Consortium members’ link: 

  1. Phillipa Evans– Australia
  2. Esther Montero Peréz de Tudele-Spain
  3. Shivangi Shikhar-India
  4. Francois Louw-South Africa
  5. Nicholas Powell-USA
  6. Jeff Mellow-USA
  7. Ronet Peled-Laskov-Israel
  8. Satoshi Minoura-Japan
  9. Guy Bourgon-Canada
  10. Oancea Gabriel– Romania
  11. Deborah Koetzle-USA
  12. Shoji Imafuku-Japan

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