Dr. Deborah Koetzle is a Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, where she also serves as the Director of the Corrections Lab. Additionally, she is a Fellow with the University of Cincinnati Corrections Institute.
Her research primarily focuses on effective correctional interventions in both institutional and community settings. Specifically, she explores problem-solving courts, organizational culture, program evaluation, and cross-cultural comparisons of correctional practices and policies. Dr. Koetzle is particularly interested in examining the transferability of evidence-based practices across cultures.
Current and recent projects include:
- A survey of incarcerated individuals in Central America regarding their experiences with the rule of law and life in prison.
- A multi-site drug court study aimed at assessing the relationship between treatment quality and drug court outcomes.
- A multi-site study of the Organizational Coaching Model and its impact on revocations.
Beyond her research, Dr. Koetzle collaborates closely with correctional agencies and practitioners to implement evidence-based practices. With over 20 years of experience, she has designed and delivered training curricula for both community-based and prison-based correctional interventions. She is a certified master trainer on multiple risk/need assessments.
Dr. Koetzle has provided technical assistance to local, state, and federal agencies, including:
- The United States Administrative Office of the Courts
- The Bahamas Department of Rehabilitative and Welfare Services
- The Turks & Caicos Department of Rehabilitation and Community Services
- The Singapore Prison System
Her research has been published in notable scholarly journals, including Justice Quarterly, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, and Psychology, Public Policy, and Law.
Dr. Koetzle is the editor of Drug Courts and the Criminal Justice System and the author of What Works (and Doesn’t) in Reducing Recidivism, 2nd edition.