Countries Expertise: United States
Assistant Professor, University of Central Florida
Jill Viglione is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at the University of Central Florida. Her research focuses on the implementation of evidence-based practices, individual and organizational responses to policy reform, and decision making within correctional agencies. She conducts policy-relevant evaluations of correctional programs and policies. She has studied the implementation of a variety of programs/policies, including risk and needs assessments, correctional curriculums, and motivational interviewing.
Dr. Viglione is currently a PI on a National Science Foundation study (SES-2030344) to examine the impact of COVID-19 on community corrections and a co-PI on a National Institutes of Health funded study (R01 MH118680) to examine the Stepping Up initiative, which aims to reduce the number of individuals with mental illnesses in jail through improved connection to treatment in the community. In 2019, she was named the American Society of Criminology's, Division on Corrections and Sentencing Distinguished New Scholar.