With over two decades of experience in probation, Gabriel Oancea has been involved in developing and implementing rehabilitation programs for supervised individuals.. Gabriel Oancea has contributed to drafting legislation and probation standards, developing institutional networks to support the reintegration of former inmates, and implementing professional training programs for magistrates and probation officers. Internationally, he has served as an expert in projects under the Council of Europe, the European Union, and other organizations, contributing to the reform of probation systems in Moldova, North Macedonia, and Kazakhstan. He has also participated in research and training programs on the mutual recognition of alternative sanctions, pre-trial detention practices, and juvenile offender rehabilitation. Holding a Ph.D. in Sociology and a Law degree, Gabriel Oancea is an associate lecturer at the University of Bucharest’s Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, teaching courses on offender rehabilitation, social assistance for offenders, and probation techniques. He has authored books, chapters, and research articles in criminology, criminal justice, and probation, contributing to academic and professional discussions in the field.