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Kimberly R. Kras, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the School of Public Affairs at San Diego State University. She earned her Ph.D. in Criminology and Criminal Justice from the University of Missouri-St. Louis in 2014 following a career with the Missouri Division of Probation and Parole. Kim’s research examines community corrections organizations and practices, reentry from prison and desistance from offending behavior, and utilizes both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Her research considers how behavior change occurs from the perspective of both justice-involved individuals and community corrections agents by examining reentry-related experiences, collateral consequences of conviction, and the implementation and use of evidence-based practices. This work also considers the impacts of criminal justice policies on the system, most recently among individuals convicted of sexual offenses and those justice agents working with them. Kim’s work has been published in Criminology, Justice Quarterly, Criminology and Public Policy, Criminal Justice and Behavior and the International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. Kim also serves as the Associate Editor of Victims & Offenders and holds affiliations with the Global Community Corrections Initiative (UMass Lowell) and the Center for Advancing Correctional Excellence (George Mason University). In addition to teaching and research at SDSU, Kim also focuses on translating research findings into practice through practitioner publications, on-site and web-based trainings, and a continued partnership with the American Probation and Parole Association.