Countries Expertise: France
Pr. Martine Evans (aka Herzog-Evans) (PhD) teaches law and criminology at Reims University, France. Her majors are criminal law, sentences, probation, prisons and reentry. She also publishes about domestic violence, treatment programmes, and courts. She has published extensively (see http://herzog-evans.com). She has consulted with the French National Assembly, the Senate, the law commission of the National Assembly, the National Human Rights Commission (Prime Minister’s services), and the French Prison Services and worked for the Council of Europe as a co-redactor of the Recommendation CM/Rec(2012)12. She has been an expert for the development of the Bobigny Drug Court, and has been the leading expert for the development of a Paris-based treatment programme for violent extremists. She is currently developing a domestic violence treatment in two French jurisdictions. Her latest books are Droit de l’exécution des peines, Paris:Dalloz, 2017, 5th ed. (Sentences’ implementation law), and (edited), Offender release and supervision: The role of courts and the use of discretion, Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers, 2015. Forthcoming in 2019 are: edited with Massil Benbouriche is Evidence-Based Work with Violent Extremists. France as a case example, with Lexington Books and Droit pénitentiaire [prison law], Paris: Dalloz, 3rd ed.