Welcome to the Global Community Corrections Initiative
It is estimated that there are currently over 10.2 million individuals incarcerated in prisons around the world today, and if the reports on the number of offenders in pre-trial or administrative detention in China and North Korea are accurate, the world prison population total is actually over 11 million. Unfortunately, we do not have similar data on the size of the global community corrections population. It is currently not possible to provide an estimate of the size of the community corrections system globally, let alone details on individuals under various forms of community release, the types of programs offered, and the staffing resources of these programs. We need to know how alternatives to incarceration have been utilized globally. This knowledge gap begs numerous questions: How many offenders are placed in community corrections systems around the globe? What are the key design features of these community corrections systems? And what do we know about the effectiveness of community corrections? The Global Community Corrections Initiative will provide answers to these questions, while also creating a unique "one-stop shopping" resource center that provides access to a full range of community corrections program design, implementation, and evaluation materials.