Marcelo Bergman
Universidad Tres de Febrero, Argentina
Dan Richard Beto
Chair Intl Committee National Assoc of Probation Executives
James Byrne
University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Todd Clear
Rutgers University, Newark
Ron Corbett
University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Kirstin Drenkhahn
Freie Universität, Berlin
Ioan Durnescu
University of Bucharest
Elisa Garcia España
Universidad de Málaga, Spain
Olga Espinoza
University of Chile, Chile
Martine Herzog-Evans
University of Reims
Tygh Field
Queensland Corrective Services
Gustavo Javier Fondevila
Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas
Karen Gelb
University of Melbourne, Australia
Ming-Li Hsieh
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Don Hummer
Penn State University
Santiago Redondo Illescas
University of Barcelona, Spain
Shanhe Jiang
Wayne State University
Kim Kras
San Diego State University
Pamela Lattimore
RTI International
Claire Lee
University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Spencer De Li
University of Macao
Joshua Long
University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Arthur J. Lurigio
Loyola University Chicago
Lina Marmolejo
George Mason University
Fergus McNeil
University of Glasgow
April Pattivina
University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Wayne Pitts
RTI International
Gwenn Robinson
University of Sheffield
Johannes Sutoyo
Universitas Indonesia
Faye Taxman
George Mason University
Hiroshi Tsutomi
University of Shizuoka, Japan
Jill Viglione
University of Central Florida
Sheldon Zhang
University of Massachusetts, Lowell